I started my job at the census, worked 60 hours in a week and I REALLY hated it. I am NOT meant for call center work - at all. It especially sucked because sitting for 10 hours a day really got to my tailbone... so when I came home I wasn't a happy camper. It just seemed to not be worth it. In the meantime, Joe started remodeling a house on my family's property. The house is between Strawberry and Starvation so we decided it would best if we 'moved' the fam up here while he is working on it for the next few weeks rather than make the drive everyday or so. Kade loves being in the mountains - unlimited fishing, movies, NickJr.com, cartoons and camping food. He's loving life.
The baby is growing fast and moving around like CRAZY, I definitely don't remember Kade being this active - my favorite is when she kicks at night and Joe gets a chance to feel her move around. I have another doctors appointment on Friday, I assume everything is going well but, we'll see.
Joe's birthday is coming up in June. I can't believe he is going to be 31! What an old fart... I am trying to plan something fun but, I am out of good ideas - anyone have any?
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