
My Hump!

I am about 18 or 19 weeks along now... Up until this point I just looked like I had a gut - now I think it is pretty clear that it's a baby in there and not cheesecake (okay, part of it is cheesecake - shh!). When people ask how I am doing - I can honestly say 'good'. The only problem I am having is some pain from my ligaments stretching out - that mostly occurs when I sneeze, cough or roll over... I had a doctors appointment on the 26th. I was 8 freaking pounds heavier! HOWEVER, my appointment was the day after we got home from our vacation... eating out every meal is so not good for you! I am happy to say that I am already 5 pounds lighter since Monday, whew! So, I have a total weight gain of about 4 pounds now... I think that's about average but, what do I know??

While in California, I had swelling in my legs from the walking and the obscene amount in sodium and CRAP in restaurant foods. Now, my elephant trunks are back to normal and I don't really have any complaints (for now)! I am just starting to have trouble shaving my legs but, I will waste no time in passing that task onto my sweet hubby (he's the best). He has been so sweet to me lately... he rubs my legs and feet with lotion and whenever I toss and turn at night he rubs my back to help me fall back asleep. I would be a bazillionaire if I could bottle that sweetness - I just love him! Trust me - there have been moments where I bet he would trade me (and my hormones) in but, those moments are gone as quick as they come, luckily!

Here are a couple of pics of the bump - luckily for you my face is not in them! I want to keep my friends, not scare them away!
 Here's looking down at my toes - I can still see them. I am sure they will be out of sight soon!

Here's a side view... my shirts are getting smaller but my booty is getting bigger (which I kinda like). Kim Kardashian better watch out!

Also, we decided on this little man's name! I LOVE IT! We are keeping it a secret though... I like having people's opinions but, its nice for me and the hubs to have one secret because if you know me... you know I do not keep secrets - DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING SECRET! I will say that his first name is one syllable and is sports related - which we actually did not realize until after everything was decided. In case you wanted to start guessing I will say that its not Ochocinco, Stockton, Sloan, Deron, Boozer, or Ronnie so rule out those guesses right now! HAHA!


The West Family Circus said...

So cute, I can't wait to have a little baby to hold and swaddle, and then give back! Plus your Cali pics are so cute, Kade is so handsome!