
Josie's Birth Story

September 29, 2010 started out a little crazy. We had decided to have Josie delivered via C-section mostly because I had delivered Kade by C-section for not dilating after two whole days of labor. I was really scared of being in labor all day and having to end up having a C-section anyway. We knew for 3 weeks that we had to be to the hospital at 8:00 AM that day. Well, Joe and I both took a sleep aid the night before just because we knew we would be WAY too excited to sleep. Well, neither one of us heard the alarm clock that morning and we woke up at 7:40 AM. Mind you, we live 15 minutes away from the hospital and none of our stuff was loaded in the car... Anyway, we made it to the hospital, a little late. It was okay though because we later found out that they were a little behind and we would have to wait an extra hour before we could go into the OR. Joe, my mom, and Leigh Anne were there, all excited for the arrival of baby Josie.

Well, once we got into the OR they started my spinal, which was the only part I was nervous for. Needless to say, that was the EASIEST part of the day... Once the medicine started working so did the doctors. They put up the drape, put the o2 mask on, put on the leg pumper things and then put a warm blanket on my chest - holy claustrophobia. I though for sure I was going to barf! Right then, Joe looks at me and says babe you look so pretty, I'm gonna take a picture of you... Blah, gag me! Looking at the picture, I now know that he was just trying to distract me from my gag reflex... LOVE HIM! Next thing you know, we could smell the burning whatever (I'm guessing flesh), I could feel them stretching open my skin, and then came the CUTTING OF MY MUSCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, felt that!!!! So, they had to stop and give me more medicine. About a minute later they told Joe to look up... all I could feel was my doctor flopped across my chest trying to get Josie to come out. After being body slammed for a minute or two, they used the Kiwi (vacuum) and splat - blood splashed the curtain right in front of my face and all over the light above my head, gross! About 10 seconds later I hear the wailing of our sweet little girl! She was a bit blue from her cord being around her neck a few times but, other than that she was perfectly healthy. After they got her all cleaned up and were wheeling me back into my room, I got really nauseous, I couldn't even keep my eyes open, talk, think or move without feeling SICK!!!! Luckily, I didn't get sick, I just got emotional... Josie was so beautiful... I can't describe what it feels like to see your very own mini you and a mini hubby all wrapped into one little thing. All I felt was joy in the purest form! 

Pregnancy was the worst 39 3/7 weeks of our lives but, we made it. And guess what??? We're gonna do it again and maybe again. That feeling is too amazing to experience only once and to be able to experience it with the love of your life and the person who shares your same soul makes it 100 times more special. Now that we're home and all settled, we could not be happier. We have a totally different family dynamic but, it works for us. Here are a few pictures from my camera of visitors and little moments with Jos.