

Where to even start......... Well, I suppose we can start with the migraines. I have about 3-4 per week!! No joke, the debilitating, leave me alone, hide in a dark room status!! Since Saturday-ish I have had flashes, pain, heaviness, pressure etc. in my left eye (accompanied with headaches/migraines)! Since I work in Neurosurgery and all I talk about is tumors - Joe and I naturally assumed that is what was wrong... FYI - I was truly not worried about a tumor at all but, I was worried I had glaucoma or retinal disconnection or something else dramatic, as usual!!
Last night and this morning my symptoms got bad enough that I had to make a visit to the eye doctor! First of all, he is the biggest smart-A doctor I have ever met. He was constantly teasing and making jokes about what a hypochondriac I was... After taking a good look at my eyes - he told me something I already knew and something I didn't. #1 My vision has changed - DRAMATICALLY! Technically, he said I am "legally blind" and should not have a drivers license. Great... What does that even mean?? He said get glasses TODAY and come back in 4 weeks. If my vision/symptoms do not improve, we go to the next step... I have no idea what that is but, hopefully it involves a handicap parking pass ;) - KIDDING! #2 Really though, he thinks I have "ocular migraines" - I am not a doctor. I don't pretend to be. Well, sometimes I do... However, I never tied the "eye issues" to the migraines. Hmmm... makes sense I guess. So, he sent me on my way with my prescription and my peace of mind that I don't have a tumor, glaucoma or retinal disconnection...
After an hour or so at the doc and having my eyes dilated (which I freaking hate with a bloody passion but, I did get some SEXY sunglasses!!) - I went immediately to the eyeglass store. I found lots of cute frames but, I ultimately decided on the CLEARANCE PAIR, of course - I am the biggest bargain shopaholic I know!! So, 40 dollars later, I walked out into a whole new crisp world! Yes, 40 buckaroos on lenses and frames!! What a difference! I feel like I was seeing in black and white and everything turned to color. I was amazed that the lines on the road were perfect rectangles. I always thought they were just blob-ish lines without straight edges! WOW!

I am supposed to wear these things all the time now... I think it will be an adjustment but, I do love them! They are lightweight and fashionable! Plus, Kade said I look like a "princess" so they can't be that bad right??
Yep, there's me. No, you cannot call me 4-eyes!


Becky said...

I can't believe those were only $40! that is such a good deal & they look nice on you. I always struggle with finding the right frames and by the time I get them they are in the hundreds of $'s. :S Great shopping Stef!