
Bed Rest...

I've done this all before and I am okay to do it again. However, when I went on bed rest with Kade it was at 30 weeks. I am only 9 weeks along!!! WOW! There are still a lot of things up in the air right now but, Joe and I are hoping for good news. Everyday I feel a bit more energized... My migraine is still there and has not gone away since two Fridays ago, ugh! My blood pressure is regulating but, there are still times where I feel like my veins are going to bust through my skin and there are times when I can hardly walk because I feel like passing out... I am not a doctor but, I am sure that is not right.

For those who don't want TMI - STOP READING NOW!! The good news: the baby grew, my hcg levels are rising and I stopped bleeding/cramping. The bad news: they still can't find a heartbeat on ultrasound and my uterus is not growing at the same rate as the baby - in addition to the migraines and blood pressure issues.

I will post this picture because it is hilarious... it remind me that no matter how disgustingly ugly, swollen and sick of bed rest you are, you eventually get the BEST gift in the world when it is all over!!
I call this picture my Professor Clump picture. I totally felt like the Nutty Professor...

Have you ever seen a happier baby?? So cute...

Wish us luck that everything is going to be alright. I feel so bad for Joe because he is Mr. Everything right now - mom, dad, husband, contractor, etc. I don't know how he is juggling it all and still dealing with me and my hormones. Cross those fingers everybody and thanks for all of your support!


Becky said...

I will cross my fingers for you - I can't imagine being on bed rest at all- let alone for almost your whole pregnancy. What did you do when you were on bed rest w/Kade? I think I would go crazy. Hope it gets better - soon.